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Main spindles for machine tools

For your machine tools and systems, you can find a wide range of main spindles for turning, milling and grinding, as well as hydrodynamic and hydrostatic spindles and special motors. We are flexible and versatile, work efficiently and are fascinated by new challenges.
Intelligent solutions and sophisticated products await you.
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Test rig technology & specialty spindles

Your specialist in testing technology: we offer sophisticated test beds, test spindles and also complex testing systems, tailored to your requirements. High-speed, hydrodynamic or hydrostatic spindles, special motors and mechatronics systems in production and development testing – all of these are available from us.
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Spindle service

Your all-round partner: spindle service for spindle systems from all manufacturers. We can also visit on site. Your spindle will soon be in use again. We analyze, diagnose and repair without delay. Avoid faults with your spindles through our maintenance and preventive servicing. We are available to assist you:
Tel. +49 3431 67840
Benefit from our competence.
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Your contact to us

For quick contact:
Phone: +49 3431 67840
Your spindle manufacturer SPL Spindel und Präzisionslager GmbH and our sales and service partners worldwide: We and our partners are there for you.
Here you will find all contact options via website, telephone or simply using our contact form.
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Current Information

GrindingHub - 14. - 17.05.2024

500 exhibitors and more than 11,100 visitors is the successful result of GrindingHub 2024. The trade fair has developed very well after its successful launch two years ago.

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Trade fair dates


29.01.2025 - 30.01.2025

Stuttgart - Fellbach

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03.03.2025 - 08.03.2025

Taipeh, Taiwan

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15. Seminar Moderne Schleiftechnologie



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all trade fair dates »
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Your partner for innovative spindle technology and spindle service
SPL is an innovative enterprise in the machine tools industry of Saxony. SPL focuses on the development and manufacturing of a wide range of spindle systems for turning lathes, grinding and milling machines, as well as for processing centers and testing stations.

A worldwide spindle service completes the production spectrum. Apart from suitable accessories for spindle systems, SPL also offers technical advice, fault diagnosis and a repair service – including for third-party products.